Our outstanding CReSTeD Report!
As many of you know, Laidlaw Hall is the specialist learning support department of Laidlaw Education, where we help children with a wide range of learning difficulties to reach their academic potential.
Laidlaw Hall is based at Dukes Meadows (near Chiswick Bridge), and is registered as a teaching centre with CReSTeD (Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils).
At Laidlaw Hall, we provide bespoke, targeted, specialist support to children with specific learning difficulties, working in close partnership with the child’s school. We pride ourselves on giving the right help to every child that comes to us, within a very caring and happy environment. Our support is specifically designed for your child through understanding their particular learning difficulties and building an individual programme and timetable to suit them.
A CReSTeD inspection took place on 23rd February 2023 and we are now delighted to share here the wonderful report that followed.
Below are only a couple of the many wonderful comments made in the Report which reflects the amazing work of the Laidlaw Hall team and the standards of excellence of Laidlaw Education.
“The breadth and scope of what is offered at Laidlaw Hall is remarkable. It is a well-organised, vibrant learning facility, offering the best in specialist, tailor-made teaching. The Centre gives much needed support to the students, their parents/carers and to the schools which the part-time students attend.”
“A great deal of thought has gone into the Pastoral care of each student who attends the Teaching Centre. Attention is paid to emotional needs and family circumstances, as well as to educational requirements. The staff provide a welcoming and caring environment, where the atmosphere feels safe, happy, and conducive to learning.”