Local Schools: Open Days and Exam dates 2023
Girls Senior Private Schools
St Paul's Girls School, 020 7603 2288
Registration deadline: 10/11/23
Exams dates week commencing 20/11/23 - On-screen time-limited cognitive ability test covering verbal ability, mathematics ability and non-verbal ability.
8/1/24 (only successful candidates from the computer assessment will be invited to sit entrance examinations in English, mathematics and comprehension).
20-28/1/24 Interviews (shortlisted candidates only).
Open Day in Autumn Term
Lady Eleanor Holles (and Junior School), 020 8979 1601
Registration deadline: 7/11/23
ISEB Common pre-test plus own Problem solving paper.
Open day 26/9/23
Putney High School (and Junior School), 020 8788 4886
Registration deadline: 1/11/23
Exam dates: 24/11 /23 - Bespoke digital assessment. 17/1/24 - second and final assessment and interviews.
Open day: 10/10/23
Surbiton High School (and Junior School), 020 8546 5245
Registration deadline: 2/11/23.
Exam dates: 25/11 (English and Mathematics). Shortlisted candidates invited to interview.
Open days: 12/9 and 19/9/23
Wimbledon High School (and Junior School), 020 8971 0900
Registration deadline: 1/11/23.
Exam dates: 15-16/11 Paper-based Verbal and Non Verbal assessment. 8/1 /24 Group sessions.
Open days: 23/6, 20/9, 30/9, 10/10
Godolphin and Latymer, 020 8741 1936
Registration deadline 10/11/23.
Exam dates: 30/11, 4/12 or 6/12 - 11+ Consortium
Open days: TBC
St Catherine's Twickenham (and Junior School), 020 8891 2898
Registration deadline: 14/11/23.
Exam dates: 2/12/23 Math and English, no Reasoning
Open day: 15/6/23
St James School (and Junior School), 020 7348 1777
Registration deadline: TBC
Exam dates: 30/11, 4/12 or 6/12 - 11+ Consortium
Open days: TBC
Marymount International, 020 8949 0571
Exam dates: TBC Open day: 23/9/23
Sir William Perkins, 01932 562161
Registration deadline: 1/10/23.
Exam dates: 18/11/23 English and Maths, 2 papers each. No Reasoning exams. Interviews.
Open days: 13, 22, 27/9/23
Notre Dame School, 01932 869990
Registration deadline: 27/10/23.
Exam dates: 24/11 - English(creative writing and comprehension), Mathematics, Non Verbal Reasoning and Interview
Open days: 20/6, 30/9, and 4/10
JAGS - James Allen’s Girls School, 020 8693 1181
Registration deadline: 31/10/23.
Exam dates: dates at candidate’s school or onsite on 8/1/2024 - ISEB Common pre-test (multiple choice, Maths, English, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning
Open days: 20/9, 4-7-12/10
Registration deadline: 31/10/23.
Exam dates: dates at candidate’s school or onsite on 2/12/2023 - ISEB Common pre-test (multiple choice, Maths, English, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning
Open day: 30/9
Notting Hill and Ealing High School, 020 8799 8400
Exam dates: TBC
Open days: 15/6, 14-26/9, 6/10
Francis Holland School , 020 7723 0176
Registration deadline: 10/11/23
Exam dates: 30/11, 4/12 or 6/12 - 11+ Consortium. Interviews 10/1/24.
Open day: 21/6
Boys Senior Private Schools
Registration deadline: 6/11/23.
Exam dates: on or before 4/12- ISEB Common pre-test (English, Mathematics, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning). Written paper 9/1/24. Interviews mid-Jan.
Open days: 21/6 and 9/9.
St James Senior School, 01784 266 930
Registration deadline: 24/11/23.
Exams dates: 4/12 - English, Maths and Verbal Reasoning. 20/1/24 Interviews
Open day: 7/10/23.
Registration deadline 1/11/23.
Exam dates: TBC end of November. Interviews 5-6/1/24.
Open day: 23/9/23.
King's College Wimbledon (and Junior School), 020 8255 5352
Registration deadline: 30/10/23.
Exam dates: TBC - December - English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Interview (January).
Open day: 14/6/23.
Halliford School, 01932 223593
Exam dates: TBC - English, Maths, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning. Interviews.
Open day 7/10/23.
Registration deadline: 31/10/23.
Exam dates: ISEB Common pre-test (English, Mathematics, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning) between 13/11 and 11/12/23. Interviews 5/1/24
Open day: 16/9/23.
Dulwich College, 020 8693 3601
Registration deadline: 30/10/23.
Exam dates: Part 1-2: online tests, Exams 8/12 (English, Maths, Reasoning, Problem solving). Part 3: creative writing. Interviews 24-31/1/24.
Open days: 12-22/9, 12/10/23.
Registration deadline: 3/11/23.
Exam dates: 4/1/24 (English, Mathematics, Critical thinking skills age-related). Interviews 16/1/24.
Open days: 23-28/9/23.
Mixed Senior Private Schools
Thames Christian College (Co- ed secondary), 020 7228 3933
Exam dates: TBA Open days: by appointment only.
Westminster School, 020 7821 5788
Registration deadline: 12/10/23.
Exam dates: week 21/11 or at current school before 25/11 - ISEB Common pre-test (English, Mathematics, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning). Additional written paper for shortlisted pupils on 14/1. Interviews 30/1-3/2/24.
Open days: 14/5, 26/9/23.
Ibstock (and Junior School), 020 8876 9991
Registration deadline: 31/10/23.
Exam date: 25/11/2022. CAT online test and learning workshops. 14-15/12 English and Mathematics papers (Shortlisted pupils only).
Open day: 11/10/23.
Registration deadline: 13/10/23.
Exam date: 6/12/23. English comprehension, multiple choice and creative writing. Maths. No Reasoning exams. Interviews: 9/1/24.
Open days 16/9 and 7/10/23.
Registration deadline 13/10/23.
Exam dates: December (TBC). Interviews and group experience 20, 22, 25/1/24.
Open day: 22/6/23.
Harrodian (and Junior School), 020 8748 6117
Registration deadline: 3/11/23.
Exam date: at current school before 4/12 - ISEB Common pre-test (English, Mathematics, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning). Interviews: 27-31/1/24.
Open day: 19-26/9/23.
Kew House School, 0208 742 2038
Exam dates: ISEB Common pre-test (English, Mathematics, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning). January TBC. Format TBC Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning.
Open day: TBC
The Hall School Wimbledon (and Junior School), 020 83946144
Exam dates: main entry at 4+. Occasional vacancies. Taster day, no examination. Interview.
Kingston Grammar, 020 8546 5875
Registration deadline: 9/10/23.
Exam dates: 10/11 English and Mathematics. Interviews 5/1/24.
Open days: 28-30/9/23.
Hampton Court House (and Junior School), 020 8943 0889
Exam dates: online assessment English and Maths.
Open days: 15-22-29/6/23.
Registration deadline: 6/11/23.
Exam dates: TBC
Open days: 10/6 and 7/10/23.
Exam date: TBC
Open day: 23/9/23.
Ewell Castle School, 020 8393 1413
Registration deadline: 20/10/23.
Exam dates: 23/11 English and Maths paper.
Open day 22/6/23.
Eaton Square Upper, 020 7491 7393
Registration deadline: 23/11/23.
Exam dates: ISEB Common pre-test (English, Mathematics, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning). Plus assessment and Interviews in January 24.
Open day: 23/9/23.
St Benedict's Ealing (and Junior School), 020 8862 2000
Registration deadline: 17/11/23.
Exam dates: 9/12 English, Mathematics, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning. Interviews in January 24.
Open day: 18/5/23.
Registration deadline: 31/10/23.
Exam dates: TBC Autumn: Interviews. 3-5/1/24: Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning, Creative writing, Mathematics.
Open days 24/6 and 30/9/23.
St. John’s School, Leatherhead, 01372 373 000
Registration deadline: 1/11/23.
Exam dates: Autumn remote interviews. 9-13/1/23 Maths, English (multiple choice reading comprehension and writing task) and online abilities assessment.
Open days: 22-23/9/23.
State Secondary Schools
Registration deadline: 19/7/23.
4/9 SIF deadline for registering for Stage one test.
Exam dates: 5-6/10 Stage one test. 11/11 Stage two test for those invited.
Open day: 11/7/23.
4/9 deadline for registering for Stage one test.
Exam dates: 5/10 Stage one test. 9/11 Stage two test for those invited.
Open day: 4/7/23.
Exam dates: TBA Open days: TBA
Richmond Park Academy, 020 8876 8891
Exam dates: no exam Open days: TBA
Christ’s School, 020 8940 6982
Exam dates: no exam Open days: TBA
Exam dates: no exam Open days: TBA
Registration deadline: 4/8/23.
Exam dates: TBC - Selective Eligibility Test (SET), two stages.
Open day: 20/9/23
Exam dates: no exam Open days: TBA
Exam dates: no exam Open days: TBA
Prep Schools
Emanuel 10+, 020 8870 4171
Exam date: TBC December 2023. English, Mathematics and Verbal Reasoning.
Register by 13/10/23. Interviews 20-22-25/1/24.
Putney Junior School), 020 8788 4886
10+ Occasional vacancies will be held in February/March.
7+ Exam date 24/11/23 English, Maths, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning. Register by 13/10/23.
Hampton 10+, 020 8979 1844
Exams date: November 2023. English, Maths, Reasoning.
King’s College Wimbledon, 020 8255 5336
Register by 20/9/23. Open day: 16/6/23.
Exams dates: 9+ 6/10. 7+ and 8+ 7/10. English, Maths, Reasoning and Listening test. Second session for selected candidates 30/10/23. Interviews 31/10-10/11/23.
Kingston Grammar 10+ , 020 8546 5875
Register by 24/11/23. Open day: 30/9/23.
Exam date 6/1/23 Maths and English. Interviews late January.
Register your interest and email the school for info.
Register by 3/11/23.
Exams date: 9/12/23. Interviews 13/1/23. English, Maths, Critical Thinking Skills (age-related)
Ibstock (and Junior School), 020 8876 9991
If a child is successful following assessment a formal offer of a place will be made.
Surbiton Junior School), 020 8546 5245
7+ Girls: early January 2023. English and Maths. Register by 30/10.
7+ Boys - contact the school.
Felton Fleet 7+ and 8+, 01932 862264
7+ , 8+, 9+ Exam date: 11/11/23. English (reading comprehension) and Maths. Interviews.
Contact the school.
Contact the school.
Contact the school.
St Paul’s Junior, 020 8748 3461
7+ and 8+ Open day: 4/11/23.
Exam dates: 7+ on 25/11/23. Interviews: 27/11-1/12/23
Exam dates: 8+ on 10/1/24. Interviews Monday 15-17/1/24. English, Mathematics and Reasoning.
Boys who perform well in the written tests will be invited back for a half-day group assessment.
Shrewsbury House Tel: 020 8399 3066
7+ Registration deadline: 2/10/23.
Exam date: 17/11/23. Maths and English.
Register by 13/10/23.
7+ Exam dates:15-22/11/23 - Maths and English, a computer-based Verbal/Non-Verbal Reasoning paper, a group Music/Drama activity and an informal interview.
8+ Exam dates: 16/11/23 - Maths and English, a computer-based Verbal/Non-Verbal Reasoning paper, a group Music/Drama activity and an informal interview.
7+ Exam dates: 4-5/1/24 - Maths, Reading and comprehension activity, Written activity. Interview.
Register by 31/1/23.
Lady Eleanor Holles Junior School, 020 8979 1601
7+ Exam date: 2/12/23 Mathematics and English. Problem solving activity sessions: 11-12/1/24.
Register by: 7/11/23.
Exam dates: TBC November 2023. English, Maths, Reasoning.
Years 1 to 3 pupils - taster morning at the school with the class that they would join and are assessed informally during their visit.
Years 4 upwards - visit the school for a taster day, spending the morning with the class they would join. In the afternoon, assessment tests are sat.
Latymer Prep School, 0845 638 5700
Register by10/11/23.
7+ Exam date: 9/1/24. Interview dates: 17-23/1/24. English, Creative writing, Mathematics.
Kew Green Prep School, 020 8948 5999
Contact the school.
Ravenscourt Park Prep School, 020 8846 9153
Contact the school.
Newland House School, 020 8865 1234
Contact the school.
Broomfield House School, 020 8940 3884
For children entering in Year 2 and above: trial morning and some gentle assessments.
Old Vicarage School, 020 8940 0922
From Year 1 - Assessments in English and Maths.
Twickenham Prep School, 020 8979 6216
Exam dates: Assessment morning in Autumn 2023. Maths, English and Reasoning.
Tower House School, 020 8876 3323
Years 1 and 2 - taster morning and screening assessments.
Years 3 to 7 - informal written assessment and interview.
Kings House School, 020 8940 1878
Welcoming girls into Reception from September 2024.
Contact the school.
Register by 3/11/23.
Exams date: 3/1/24 - Assessments in literacy and numeracy as well as group and paired activities.
Contact the school.
Westminster Under School, 020 7821 5788
Register by 12/10/23.
7+ Exam date: 9/1/24 Mathematics, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
8+ Exam date: 10/1/24 Mathematics, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Interviews.
Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls, 020 8266 2300
Register by 10/11/23.
7+ 28/11/23 - Group activity. Formal assessments 11/12/23 (Reading, writing and mathematics). Interviews 15-16/1/24.
The Roche School, 020 8877 0823
Contact the school.
Northcote Lodge, 020 8682 8888
Contact the school.
Notre Dame Prep School, 01932 869990
Contact the school. Open day: 30/9/23.
Contact the school. Open day: 7/10/23.
Dulwich College Prep, 020 8693 3601
Due to a very positive 7+ acceptance rate this year, they will not be holding Year 4 (8+) entry for September 2024. They anticipate resuming 8+ entry for September 2025 entry.
Ewell Castle School, 020 8393 1413
Contact the school.